Venture Capital Fund Scania Growth Capital invests in SiB Solutions.
“It’s a clear sign of strength that Scania Growth Capital is investing in SiB Solutions. We’re already going global and our Intelligent Video and AI Services are attracting logistics-intensive companies in all our markets. Now we can continue to scale up and grow even faster,” Says Stefan Borg, CEO SiB Solutions.
For more information, please contact CEO Stefan Borg.
Scania Growth Capital was founded by Scania to invest in high-growth companies with strategic relevance to its ecosystem of customers and partners in the mobility and transport industries.
Scania Growth Capital combines the best-of-both-worlds, an experienced and agile venture capital firm with a financial focus and the muscles and reach of a segment leader that can provide support regarding technology, market and global network.
Read the press release in Swedish here:
Logtechbolag tar in 50 miljoner från Scanias nya miljardfond
Related press release in English >>
Published: 2022-12-15. Updated 2022-12-16.