We continue to collaborate with Lund University in Sweden. This time, our role is – as part of the reference group – to provide input to two different projects that focus on sustainable logistics related to circular economies, sustainable consumption, and retail:
- Cirkulär ekonomi och hållbar konsumtion: butikens framtida roll som cirkulär logistiknod (hakonswensonstiftelsen.se)
- Transformerade logistiknätverk för cirkulär ekonomi och hållbar konsumtion inom svensk handel | Handelsrådet (handelsradet.se)
The projects are led by Dr. Joakim Kembro and Postdoctoral fellow Ebba Eriksson Ahre.

Stefan Borg & Max Helm
– Of course, fewer errors in logistics means greener logistics. I am glad that our expertise in these areas allows us to contribute to the understanding of innovative and eco-friendly solutions that can benefit society and the environment. Says Max Helm, Sales Account Manager at SiB Solutions.
-We appreciate the invitation to be a part of this and are excited to participate. This far, the conversations have been interesting and even unexpected. We are confident that our contribution will add value to the research projects. Says Stefan Borg, CEO at SiB Solutions.
Published: January 22, 2024